Children ministries at First Baptist are not merely childcare services. Our kids are always learning and growing in their faith while having a great time!

With a team of dedicated, screened volunteers, we provide a safe, caring environment where kids can learn about God, learn His Word, make new friends, and have a good time. The children’s ministries at First Baptist are not just babysitting; we are planting seeds of faith and watching them grow.


Nursery is provided for children up to 23 months. It is located in the Ministry Center. Please do not bring your baby to the nursery when he/she is sick.

Sunday School

Sunday School classes meet at 9 am in the Ministry Annex each Sunday morning for ages 2 through grade 5. Our Sunday School classes teach God’s Word at age appropriate levels with trained teachers who love the Lord. In the early years we partner with parents to help plant seeds of faith and then encourage older kids to grow in their own faith as they learn more about our amazing God and begin to know Him personally.

Fingerprints Ministry for Special Needs

Our Fingerprints Ministry compassionately cares for children and families with special needs in Sunday School, Children’s Church, Awana, VBS, and other programs and ministries.

Children’s Church

Children’s Church classes meet during the Sunday morning worship service for 2s &3s, Pre-Primary, and Grades 1-4. The older two classes are dismissed from the worship service before the sermon.

Kid’s Corner

Kid’s Corner is for children ages 2 to 5 during the Sunday evening service. Children will enjoy a Bible story and other activities.

Awana Clubs

Awana Clubs meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30pm during the school year. Please click on this Awana link for more specific information.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Every summer, children from the community (4-11 years old) are invited to join us for an exciting week of games, crafts, Bible lessons, snacks, and music.

Summer 5-Day Clubs

5-Day Club is an exciting, fun-filled one and one-half hour held each day for five consecutive days. It includes: dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary story, meaningful songs, life-changing Scripture memorization.

5-Day Club is open to all boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 12, regardless of religious background. Parents are welcome to attend the club with their child.

Christians who are concerned for the spiritual well-being of children teach the club. These teachers have received specialized training from CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) and are carefully screened as required by the child protection policy of CEF.

There is no charge for children to attend the club.


We love and protect the children entrusted to our care for all ministries. If you would like to read our policies, download our FBC Child Safety Program.

To learn more about serving in our children or student (grades 6-12) ministries:

  1. Read the Safety Program (link above)
  2. Contact the church office for an application
  3. Return the completed application to the church office

Parents, if you have concerns about safety please speak with your children’s teacher, leader, or with our Pastor.

Please call the church office 812-635-9200 or send an email if you have questions about any of our children or youth ministries.